October 31, 2008

Trunk or Treat

Wednesday was the ward's
Trunk or Treat, the kids had
a lot of fun....
Here's Jordan kicking back with Scooby Doo
Shaggy & Scooby relaxing Josh kicking back with Jordan
Scary spider witch (you can't see it but
she has spiders all over in her hair)
Sydney & Elsa

October 22, 2008

Joshua Turns 3

Joshua turns three
We had a small family party for
Joshes 3rd birthday

He does not like our singing

unless it is Backyardigans & he can join in

Made his wish & blowing out the candles

Joshua Turns 3

My friend Caitlyn & her family
gave me moster trucks
full of legos
I also got a fishing puzzle
here I am with papa catching a big one I got a Nemo book to go along with my LeapPad Mom helps me read Pooh Bear

October 11, 2008

Saturday Afternoon

So after a lazy morning,
the weather was so nice outside
we decided to go out &
take some pictures in the trees....
Sydney & Josh Brittney, Sydney & Josh
Brittney & Josh
Jordan & Sydney
Ok, so Jord was not excited, he's 15-need I say more? Braiden & Sydney Jordan, Braiden & Sydney